Shnorkalut'Yun, See You Soon
I never could remember
The word for goodbye
No matter how much
I tried and I tried
Lots of other words
Sit with my memory
Waiting, eager
Well preserved
I could tell you my name
Ask how you are
Reply when you ask the same
But goodbye I just can't retain
Maybe a subconscious protest
Persistent forgetting of goodbye
Begging me to notice
My best alternative, shnorkalut'Yun
Not saying goodbye
An unfinished journey
More discoveries
That it still does hide
The sweet tide
Of memories keep this spark alive
Waiting for my feet
Again to arrive
Memories of the last handshake
The sights of mountains
That caused my soul to quake
Dreams at night, smiles as I wake
Old friends
New friends
Special places
My memory still chases
In the meantime
I can only say good night
Bari gisher
Until the next flight
Dave James Horn ©